Tuesday 25 April 2017

Bob Walker - An Appreciation by Stuart Earp

Bob Walker
Horspath Cricket Club will never quite be the same without Bob.

The former president was a shining light in the village and particularly the club, always ready with a smile and warm welcome to friends and newcomers alike.

A born optimist, his glass was half full, rather than half empty, its usual contents being his favourite whisky - although he rarely drank to excess, apart from the odd wobble on Feast Day.

It was here that Bob come into his own, as many old faces, including mine, came to chat with him and chew over old times. He was truly honoured to have the President's XI representing him, and insisted they were 'the right sort of chap' for the occasion.

He often asked about my work on the local paper and would tell me: "I couldn't do without my Oxford Mail!". And he never forgot to ask about the wife.

That was Bob, forever the gentleman. The club will be a sadder place without him.

Stuart Earp (player 1980-1995).

Posted by: Graham Plested

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